Minor Spec (Deals extra damage against rank-and-file enemies).
Major Spec (Deals extra damage against powerful enemies).Reddit user aussiehalo#1645 (Thanks VG247) scribbled down a bunch of the perks that were seen in the livestream last night Instead, mods will offer perks that can be used to create far more effective weapons in conjunction with the return of random rolls on dropped guns. Forsaken will revamp the entire system, as weapon mods will now have an actual function to them that scraps the five-point power boost system.
Disassembling lower-tier mods, racking up components and hoping for some luck at Banshee’s stall did not help sell the system. In Destiny 2, mods were a convoluted system to use. It’s worth it though, as not only do players get to choose between making their gun of choice a PVE or PVP Masterwork, but they’re able to switch between the two for free at any time.
Tier 10: 10 Legendary Shards, 5 Masterwork cores. Tier 9: 5 Legendary Shards, 2 Masterwork cores. Tier 8: 3 Legendary Shards, 3 Masterwork cores. Tier 7: 3 Legendary Shards, 2 Masterwork cores.
Tier 6: 2 Legendary Shards, 2 Masterwork cores. Tier 5: 2500 Glimmer, 2 Legendary Shards, 1 Masterwork core. Tier 4: 2500 Glimmer, 1 Legendary Shard, 1 Masterwork core. Tier 3: 2500 Glimmer, 1 Legendary Shard. Tier 1: Stock, random mod comes applied with weapon drop. The system costs will function like this: If you’re looking to invest heavily into a tier 10 Masterwork weapon, you’re going to need some substantial funds to do so, which will eventually cost you 10 000 Glimmer, 27 Legendary Shards and 17 Masterwork Cores to ding a weapon to the max. Maxing out at Tier 10, Bungie says that the first few levels of this system will be cheap as chips and available to all weapons. Here’s the breakdown of what was revealed last night: Masterwork weaponsįancy that Origin Story which you’ve been using in the Crucible and want to make it track your kills with a Masterwork upgrade? That system will be revamped in Forsaken, as Guardians won’t just be able to upgrade their Legendary and Exotic weapons to the Masterwork level, they’ll be able to increase its potency with tiers. In a livestream last night, Bungie detailed this new approach to weapons, that is aimed (Ha!) at making these tools of death feel a bit more special when one drops for you. While player loadouts will drastically change and allow Guardians to outfit themselves with any combo of weapons if they choose, like say three shotguns for example because that’s going to be awesome, Destiny 2 will also be revamping its regular weapons significantly along the way. Guns! You need them (digitally I hope) and Destiny 2 has them! So many guns in fact, that Bungie’s sandbox is in dire need of a rethink on the philosophy of its weapons, which will begin with the Forsaken expansion in September.